This year’s 24 Hour once again brought with it some interesting challenges, some interesting weather and some interesting people, the latter being the reason I continue to not only turn up for these events, but to also look forward to them.
Our Club was represented by about a dozen or more hardy members, most of which have little or no interest in the actual race but rather enjoy the camaraderie, the sense of contributing to something worthwhile and the challenge, both mental and physical of seeing the whole event through. Eudunda was the host town this year, and the BSA Club were stationed several kilometres outside of Eudunda at Control number four, perched on a picturesque hillside facing east.

This was an ‘Out’ Control which in essence means that it was our job to record the time that each individual bike got into our Control; to the second, and each year our girls ensure that this task is carried out to perfection.
(Many thanks to the BSAOC 24 hour participants who make this possible year after year. Special thanks to Paul Murphy for this written contribution. Editor)