Hi to all,
Mad March is here and listed for your information is this month’s activities.
I hope that you take the opportunity to join us on some of these rides that have been organised for your enjoyment.
It’s a great opportunity to clear the dust from your bikes and head out, while the weather is still great for riding.
Sunday 8th March 2020
Dave Long’s Ride (All British)
Leaving the club rooms at 9.30 am, so please arrive at 9.00 am
This ride will include a visit to the Power of the Past display at Mt Barker.
Sunday 15th March 2020
The Historic Motor Vehicle Gathering
Organised by the Vintage Sports Car Club of SA
Leaving the club room
s at 9.30 am, so please arrive at 9.00 am
This is only a short ride arriving at the netball courts at Park 23 Adelaide Park Lands just off Anzac Highway.
This is a great opportunity for the BSA club to show off their historic motorcycles alongside some of the oldest and rarest vintage motor vehicles I have ever seen.
Friday 20th March 2020 (mid-week ride that’s not in the mid-week)
Murray’s shed Ride
Leaving the club rooms at 9.30 am, so please arrive at 9.00 am
We will travel south and along the coast then head back to Woodcroft, arriving at Murry’s shed for morning tea.
We will then continue back to Club Marion for Lunch.
All members are welcome either on bikes or if you are unable to ride, following in your car.
Cheers Doc